Goal: Recruit students to join SpeakUp Ventures and earn referral bonuses.
Feel free to put this on your resume and use SpeakUp Ventures as a reference for future internships, jobs, college recommendations, etc.
I plan to accept ~30 students.
How it works
You will get a referral code. Have the student input the referral code in the application to get credit.
For every student who uses your referral code and becomes part of the cohort, we will venmo you $500.
For example, Ruth refers to Kelly and Miki, who both joined SpeakUp Ventures LA. Ruth is venmoed $1000.
Feel free to share with their friends, guidance counselors and/or social media.
For example, Ruth convinces a friend from Stuyvesant to share SpeakUp Ventures with the entire school. If 10 people from Stuyvesant join, I will pay Ruth $5000.