
New Programs

Target Audience: These programs are designed for people with a basic foundation of entrepreneurship. If you are new to entrepreneurship, check out our free program to get started and make the most of these new programs.

Intro to Product Development

Outcome: Students will make their first product and learn how to turn an idea into something real - physical, digital, or a service.


Week 1: Define Your Product

Week 2: Design it for Your Users

Week 3: Make a Prototype

Week 4: Improve Your Prototype

Week 5: Plan for Making More

Intro to Sales & Marketing

Outcome: Students will get their first 10-100 customers by talking to people online and in person.


Week 1: Understanding Your Customers

Week 2: Create a Marketing Plan

Week 3: Engage Online

Week 4: Talk to People in Person

Week 5: Measure Success and Scale

Intro to Venture Capital & Fundraising

Outcome: Students will raise their first thousand dollars by making a great pitch and talking to investors.


Week 1: Learn About Fundraising

Week 2: Prepare a Pitch Deck

Week 3: Practice Your Pitch

Week 4: Talk to Investors

Week 5: Secure the Funds